I have always heard this passage of scripture used to talk about how powerful praise and worship can be. After all, Paul and Silas were loosed from prison because of the earthquake that came when they praised. The Lord gave me a thought the other day that I have never heard presented before. Of course, we all know that prisons 2000 years ago did not have the same architectural structure as prisons today. Even overlooking the filth from not having modern sanitation, with the current earthquakes happening around the world, can you even begin to imagine what these two disciples were actually experiencing? The Bible described this as a "great earthquake." It goes on to tell us that the very "foundations of the prison were shaken." They were probably sitting on the floor bound by chains... Continued... click "Read More" below...
This may be a different scenario from the one that we often see in our minds' eye. We have often seen a rumbling, chains miraculously dropping to the ground and out comes two spick and span, clean disciples. However, think about something for a second. It may only be in the great earth moving, turning your world up-side-down occurrence that can break YOUR CHAINS OF BONDAGE. You may feel so bound to your sin that you feel NOTHING can set you free. So, in order for God to set you free, God may have to rattle some cages and shake the very foundation of your world in order to get the chains to drop to the ground. But remember what really happened that night to Paul and Silas and realize it may not be pleasant for you to go through, but through it you can go if you only start allowing your voice to call upon God. Are you ready for your deliverance?